What You Believe About Yourself

What You Believe About Yourself

This video clip taken from the Rev. Ike biography book release livestream marathon!

My father had the fire flowing through him. And that energy is still flowing through us and with us. Now, your faith in God is no good to you unless and until you believe in yourself. Because your belief in the God in you is the activator of your inner power and your inner fire. That fire of the soul that was placed within you before you were born. See, that fire had to be put in there like a rocket. It lifts off. The fire happens on the ground before it even lifts off. So we had the fire before we came here. That fire moved us onto this earth plane, and it continues to burn.

There are some forces that would want to quell and squelch that fire, but we don’t let it. We command our own authority and reclaim our belief in ourselves, reclaim our authority and our ability to have joy and create all the good that we want in our lives. We together consciously create these fields of great possibility that become probability and then actuality, and we manifest those things.

Use your God power to create what you desire in your life.

Rev. Ike Book Release Day Event!

Rev. Ike Book Release Day Event!

On December 19, 2023, we held a day-long livestream marathon to celebrate the release of my father’s biography book, Reverend Ike: An Extraordinary Life of Influence. WOW! It was an absolutely incredible experience for both myself, my co-author Mark Victor Hansen, our host Ken Walls (from Breakthrough Walls Podcast), and all of the incredible guest speakers that joined us throughout the broadcast.

Our 3 hour online event was full of inspiration, never before seen videos of Rev. Ike, and life changing conversations with Joy Donnell (Center for Intersectional Media & Entertainment), Rev. Kevin Kittrell Ross (Unity of Sacramento), Pastor Jack Bomar (United Church Beaufort, SC) and Cliona O’Hara (CEO, Napoleon Hill Institute).

These conversations will uplift your spirit and open your mind to a new perspective. Click on the video above to watch or listen to the replay!

Holy Hurricane – Book Excerpt

Holy Hurricane – Book Excerpt

One of the things I really love about my father’s biography book, Reverend Ike: An Extraordinary Life of Influence,  is we share excerpts and episodes from my dad’s life that no one else has heard about, such as this one here, which were recounts a hurricane that tore through his hometown when he was a little boy, and shall we say, highlighted some of the dysfunction of the home of his upbringing. I hope you enjoy this.


Click here to order your copy today! Gift yourself and those you love with an inspirational guidebook for manifesting a prosperous and bountiful life.

Supernatural Miracles and Healings

Supernatural Miracles and Healings

Please enjoy this reading from my father’s biography book, Reverend Ike: An Extraordinary Life of Influence.

One of the amazing gifts that my father expressed in the world was healing. I chose this excerpt to read because the world needs healing.

I believe that as we read this book and get an idea of some of the powerful things that my father accomplished, this book will function as a self-improvement manual for our growth and success.

In other words, you’re not just reading about somebody. You’ll be inspired to take on some of the same powers, energy, and success that he was able to do, but in your own way. We need to be the healers in this world right now, and so I believe this excerpt will inspire you to step up to your healing power.

This is from the chapter called Supernatural Miracles and Healings.